Are you Jamie Oliver???

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution campaign as all about getting children to eat right by campaigning to put food practical food education on the school curriculum. And today is Food Revolution Day 2015.

As part of this, school children around the country are taking part in a practical online lesson to make a "Squash It Sandwich", and today I was at Roseberry Primary School to cover a couple of their sessions.


I'm not sure how many of the pupils at Roseberry know who Jamie Oliver is, but upon arrival I did get asked by one of the Key Stage 2 children if I was Jamie Oliver...if you've seen me I'm clearly not, but I'll take it as a complement.


There was a lot of fun had by the children and their parents and as you can imagine it got a bit chaotic at times with around 60+ people trying to follow instruction on how to make a healthy sandwich (although I did get asked by one child where the butter was lol).


Everyone managed to make their squash it sandwich, and I think they most enjoyed the squashing part with the rolling pin - despite a few fingers becoming tenderised in the process...ouch.
